raves videos

Believe It Or Not…

I’m considering changing my phone message to our own version of George Costanza’s (of Seinfeld) Believe It Or Not.

We did this a few years ago and it was great – it annoyed everyone who called us. I particularly remember hearing my mother-in-law tutting and clucking with annoyance. In those days I occasionally got phone calls from friends, but nowadays most people realise that I don’t like the phone and they write me emails or send texts.

So all that’s left are the telemarketers…

For those who don’t know and love Seinfeld, here’s the clip:

(my favourite bit comes when George is listening to it second time round, hears the line ‘where could I be?’ and shrugs, askance…)

raves videos

Me, I kill you!

Up late last night talking to my cousin Oscar Raul on MSN and trading Youtube links, he showed me this very funny ventriloquist ‘bit’ – Achmed the Dead Terrorist performed by Jeff Dunham.

I laughed and laughed and laughed. Oscar and I love the joke that plays at around 7 minutes.

Joshua Files mexico videos

To Mexico – in one week!

This time next week I will in at Healthrow airport waiting for a flight to Toronto, Canada and then to Cancun, Mexico!!!!

Gosh I’m looking forward to it. The family are taking a break to do a Joshua Files Roadtrip. We had planned to follow in Josh’s footsteps from Chetumal all the way to Catemaco but honestly the driving would just be too tiring.

So we’re doing a cut down version. I will be posting much more about this, so stay tuned.

Meanwhile, especially for Lucas, I dug out this TV ad for Josh’s favourite cupcakes, which he eats on his bus journey through Yucatan in ‘Invisible City’.

The are called ‘Pinguinos’ and are like Hostess cupcakes – white vanilla cream inside a chocolate cupcake with chocolate frosting and a squiggle of white icing on top. And a childhood favourite of mine.

Mmmm, additives.

Joshua Files videos

Capoiera in Oxford

Here’s a video I made last year of the Oxford capoeira players demonstrating their sport in Summertown. The hero of “The Joshua Files” is a capoeirista. I love watching this sport, something I became interested in when on a business trip to the USA. I had this really tense meeting to go to and I couldn’t sleep, so watched this bad-but-fascinating movie called “Only the Strong”, all about a school teacher who motivates a gang of rough kids through capoeira that he’s learned in the street gangs of Brazil.

I really love writing the capoeira sections of Joshua.

(Yes, the compression sucks on this version, I don’t quite know how to fix it. Looks fine when I run it locally… Any suggestions welcome.)

nostalgia raves

My Mate Noam

There’s a guy on my street who has two boys. We’ve all been friends for years and we’ve watched his boys grow up, he’s watched our girls grow up – even saw our youngest the day she was born. We’re all fans of Man United so we got together for all those big games in 1999, when we won the treble. As one, we lept into the air like crazed loons when Ole Gunnar Solskjaer scored the winning goal against Bayern Munich.

The oldest boy’s name is Noam, because his parents are friends and admirers of Chomsky. (So we can’t hold that against Noam…)

Noam and I chatted today on MSN – he’s in Edinburgh studying biomedical sciences right now. Like many guys his age he doesn’t stay in this country for long – it’s one long world-wide trip punctuated by the odd few weeks taking classes in Uni. He showed me his Youtube page, which has two of the most innovative videos I’ve seen.

Check this one out. It’s a video-meta-email! He calls it a facetube.
I love it – so clever, it works on several levels. (Goes long though – Noam, cut the end!)

This next one crack whore made me roar with laughter.
It plays with the notion of bilinguality. If you don’t speak Spanish, all you need to know is that the conversation between Noam, his Mum and his gran is actually about the gran being cross that Mum has put Gran up in her own bed. Not about being a crack whore at all. If you speak Spanish you’ll get the joke even more.

I’ve known Noam since he was about 11. Watching children you know well grow up really IS wonderful. A great comfort to those of us this far along the aging process…