
One Novel Down, One In The Oven

Progress report on the leg: it’s healing pretty much to plan. Yesterday I walked (hobbled) around the house and actually did a small amount of housework.

Meanwhile, the enforced rest did allow me to do what I surely couldn’t have done otherwise, i.e. finish a novel. It’s done, revised 8 times following advice from my beta readers Reba, Magda and Juan Fernando.

A sample of the novel is now with 5 literary agents, and another 4 have rejected it (2 didn’t even want to read a sample). Amongst the copious advice given to writers is that to distract yourself from the misery of rejection, you should immediately start on the next project. So I’m doing that, writing a pretty ambitious kids book about a boy archaeologist. Ambitious because there’s a lot of education being thrown in along the way.

Shhhhh, don’t tell.


Half-way Through The Novel! Now Read The Blurb…

Did I mention that I’m finally writing my thriller novel?

Well, 12 weeks without walking; it was too good a chance to miss.

I passed the half-way mark yesterday. VIP: Vial In Pocket is now half-finished!

Here’s a possible jacket blurb:

Molecular biologist, Jackson Brady flies into Mexico City illegally carrying biological samples. Astonished when the colleague he’s carrying the samples for is led away by the authorities, only to disappear, Brady finds that he has been passed a final, coded message.

Brady and an alluring Mexican archaeologist, Mary Carmen Martinez, must now solve a puzzle which begins with an enigmatic DNA code and ends with a secret underground burial chamber in Iraq. But their nemesis, the mysterious Hans Runig has people all over the world looking for them.This novel takes the reader on a journey through the mysteries of modern biotechnology, the World Wide Web, Mesopotamian culture and to a secret so ancient that the memory of it exists only in the human genome.