ice shock mgharris websites

Intriguing announcement at the new-and-improved

A screenshot of the ICE SHOCK video, which plays a part in a Secret New Thing for “Joshua Files”.

Well I’ve got me new website design and I’m delighted with it!

Readers, I have been SO busy with stuff…so much to write about Bill Heine’s book launch party, the Oxford heat of the Kids Lit Quiz, but most of all working on the Alternate Reality Game we’re developing to co-launch with ICE SHOCK.

That’s right, I said Alternate Reality Game – ARG! Conceptually, our game is a cross between Lonelygirl15 and The Beast.

But! It’s a secret. So don’t tell, okay?

Thanks to David for the upgrade to the latest version of WordPress and for helping me to configure and to Liam McKay of Woothemes for his custom design work in modifying his Papercut theme.

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8 replies on “Intriguing announcement at the new-and-improved”

Thank you everyone!

And I see that this post has been picked up by the unfiction crowd…

Hello fellas. Keep watching here for more rumors of the game. FYI it is conceptually similar to Lonelygirl15 and The Beast only in that it’s a murder mystery spread over various websites in conjunction with a teen girl’s vlog.

The story is set in the world of Joshua Files BUT is actually based on a whole unpublished ms – a technothriller that I wrote the year before. And in fact my first proper stab at a novel. So there’s gritty content; murder, conspiracy, secret global organisations etc – but not as grimly ‘adult’ as those other two games. And by telling the story from the POV of a teen girl – who becomes involved when she tries to investigate her father’s murder – we keep it more child-focused.

Hey, Most Glamorous, this is all hot stuff! Love the whole look. You are really going places. Keep it up, will ya, and don’t let up, either – making me wish I had read the first book now! One day soon, I will… 🙂

Hi, there!
Our students are soo excited about Ice Shock – we have been chatting about you here all day! Roll on March!!! 🙂

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