ice shock mgharris websites is getting a makeover!


Here’s a sneak peek of my new website design, which is being done by Liam McKay of Woothemes.

We’ve gone for a jungly/Mayan/codex/grunge theme.

See how those elements naturally work together?!

I guess we’ll have to close the site down while my technical team i.e. Him Indoors/Beloved Husband uploads the latest WordPress software and puts all the blog photos through an auto-resize program and installs the new theme files while I look on helplessly and admiringly.

I hope you all like the new site. In the meantime I am thinking up ICE SHOCK-related snippets to feed you in the run-up to publication date.

The competition for bound proofs is a GO, by the way. Scholastic have kindly offered SIX proofs of ICE SHOCK to give away. And I have come up with an idea. We’ll be making the announcement on by the middle of next week and contacting school libraries and reading clubs too…

Bye bye, old theme!

mgharris websites is developing

Hello to all you people who have been registering as users of this site…

 I’m working on this at the moment, as you can tell. I’m new to WordPress and not sure I’ll stick with it. Having to get quite geeky again, using FTP software and stuff. The results will hopefully be worth it; if not I’m going to stick with Blogger.

Meanwhile thanks for your interest and I hope soon to be able to actually command this web publishing software. It is non-trivial, whatever people tell you. Point and click and drag and drop it ain’t.

Meanwhile, I have been watching Armstrong and Miller via Youtube, on the recommendation of a good pal.

I love the RAF pilot sketches, right? They’re just like my teenage daughter and her friends, yeh? Who related a whole conversation to me yesterday, yeh, and she was just like, “so he was just like…and I was just like….and he was just like…and I was just like…”

And I was just like…do you know any other ways to say ‘said’, isn’t it?

Except I didn’t actually say that. Cos that would have been, like, harsh.